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The 5-Series, too, while the first choice for sports sedan devotees, isn’t quite so good at just being a pampering luxury car. Which leaves a long-established European luxury sedan king (E-Class), Japanese luxury sedan upstart (Legend) and Japanese luxury SUV fighting for the contents of Ian’s wallet. It’s somewhat anonymous to look at and, despite decent competency, is too heavy and disengaged to really shine on the road. Read Drive’s Honda Legend reviews:2006- Honda Legend used2003-09 Lexus RX330/350The RX might look like an off-roader but its talents are very much weighted towards tarmac, so it’s a worthy luxury sedan substitute. But the Lexus, while reasonable for an SUV, is more ponderous and less satisfying to drive than a good luxury sedan.
About this bookThe IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Instability of Nonparallel Flows was held at Clarkson University, Potsdam, NY 13699-5725, USA from 26 to 31 July 1993. The papers were grouped in fairly focused sessions on boundary layers, shear flows, vortices, wakes, nonlinear waves and jets. In this book many of the papers that describe the ideas presented at the symposium are collected to provide a reference for researchers in charting the future course of their studies in the area of nonlinear instability of nonparallel flows. The papers in this book are grouped under the following headings: • Boundary layers and shear flows • Compressibility and thermal effects • Vortices and wakes • Nonlinear waves and jets In the lead paper ofthis book M. E. Goldstein describes an asymp totic theory of nonlinear interaction between two spatially growing oblique waves on nonparallel boundary and free-shear layers. The wave interaction originates from the nonlinear critical layer and is responsive to weakly nonparallel effects.
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