Joined:Posts: 152Location: Extreme Northern Rhode Islandquote gitder wrote: Nope, no kit or other mods (i.e. Not to say that your P80 isn't a great ride, but actually the opposite. Does it need a tweak, maybe, but i suspect that the manufacturers specs are a bit fudged. Also, are we talking a blip, 20-30 seconds, or a good solid fixed distance at speed. Also, are we talking a blip, 20-30 seconds, or a good solid measured mile at speed.
phattangloAce FacePosts: 659Ace Face Auto lube px 125 1985 Quote Select PostSelect Post Deselect PostDeselect Post Link to PostLink to Post Member Give GiftMember Back to Top Post by phattanglo on NGK BR7HS or BR6HS if you only do very short journeys, but the 6 runs hotter so start with the 7 and see how you go. Can't help with the autolube as I pre-mix but I assume any decent quality 2t oil will be ok.Vespas were originally designed to run on ordinary mineral oil cos there was no such thing as synthetic oil 40 years ago. If memory serves, I don't think you can mix mineral oil with fully synthetic oil, but that's worth checking before you decide what to use. soulboy74High NumberPosts: 233High Number Auto lube px 125 1985 via mobile Quote Select PostSelect Post Deselect PostDeselect Post Link to PostLink to Post Member Give GiftMember Back to Top Post by soulboy74 on When I first got mine but Hay it's a more newer machine but auto lube as well the first thing l did was sucked out All that old oil and started a fresh with the best you can afford ! Sip fully synthetic 2T £10 for 400 miles is not going to break the bank and also cleaned out all the old petrol and start a fresh and see what happens !
Aiosi Hooked 2005 Vespa PX 150 Serie America #107 of 500 Joined:Posts: 437Location: Houston, Texas USAquoteI was very proud of the almost 20,000 miles I had on the old one so I wanted to make the new one match. I chucked a broken speedo cable in my drill and left running for hours and realized that I was going to have to leave the drill running for days to accumulate that many miles. So I got smart and just took the circuit board off of the new one and installed it on the old one. Then I totaled the scooter and had to start again with one that had 1050 miles. Problem solved (for me, anyway).Then I totaled the scooter and had to start again with one that had 1050 miles.I vote that you buy a new one.
Unfortunately, I need to buy those tools as shown in the youtube video you sent me. Once I get the clutch holder tool and clutch nut bolt, I'll check the assembly. Sometimes if you've got the plug out, but plugged into the plug wire and laying in head, you may burn some gas vapor from the cylinder. Do this of course with the spark plug still out. But for what little effort is required, I would try to do the high gear and roll the rear tire trick and see what happens.Good luck with your new 150 project.
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