Vespa Primavera Vs Sprint

Vespa Primavera Vs Sprint

By Alison Gill
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Untuk Anda yang sedang galau memilih antara Vespa Primavera vs Sprint 150 2021, kami akan coba mengulas perbedaan antara keduanya. Pada pembaruan terakhir, PT Piaggio Indonesia (PID) selaku distributor resmi Vespa Indonesia mengeluarkan seri S untuk Primavera dan Sprint. Sedangkan versi S, list body-nya berwarna dust grey.Lalu list bodi versi reguler berwarna light grey, sedangkan versi S warna dusty grey. Perbandingan HargaMeski secara spesifikasi relatif sama, harga Vespa Primavera ternyata lebih murah daripada Vespa Sprint. KesimpulanVespa Primavera dan Vespa Sprint memang seperti anak kembar.

What Are The Differences Between A Vespa Primavera and Sprint

The Vespa Primavera and the Vespa Sprint are identical scooters regarding technical specifications. Technical differences between the Vespa Primavera and SprintThree Primaveras and one SprintAs mentioned earlier, when it comes to technical specifications the Vespa Primavera and Sprint are identical. The 2014-2019 Primavera models are slightly lower than today’s models: height 780mm/30.7 inDashboard: all Vespa Primavera and Sprint models have the same standard analog dashboard as other new Vespa models. Feature differences between the Vespa Primavera and the SprintPrimavera Special Edition Sprint Special EditionThe different features set the Vespa Primavera and the Sprint apart. Differences between Vespa Primavera Sports vs Sprint SportsThe Vespa Sprint S has slight differences from the Primavera SCurrently, the Sprint comes in just two series, the Justin Bieber and the Sprint S. The ‘S’ stands for sport.

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