Panjang Stang Seher Vespa Px

Panjang Stang Seher Vespa Px

By Cameron Gill
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The shaft has a stroke of 54 mm (series = 51mm) and has a 105 mm long connecting rod (series 97mm), which in its last evolutionary stage has now been widened to a proud 5mm thickness. The crank webs are larger in diameter (both sides: 87mm) than those of a series shaft (86.8mm). Therefore the crankcase has to be enlarged in diameter (spindle dimension 88mm). The longer connecting rod requires either a suitable cylinder or a corresponding spacer. Short facts:forged crank webs54mm strokeForged CNC connecting rod, 105mmsilver cagelower connecting rod pin 20mmbearing seat Lima side 20mmMade in EuropeApproval for enginesup to ~18-20HP

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