Harga Vespa Sprint 1974

Harga Vespa Sprint 1974

By Kevin Bower
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Asal muasal cerita diawali dari keinginan aku yang sudah sangat lama terpendam, dari SMA udah seneng sama yang namanya kendaraan klasik. Ni motor pertama ane…Waktu udah menginjak di bangku kuliah.. (alhamdulillah bisa kuliah sampe lulus) dibeliin bokap Vespa Ndog (Vespa Super th 64). Udah aku restorasi maksimal. Nah.. ini yang aku cari. Akhirnya browsing di mbah google “jual toyota corolla ke30” Eh.. nongol tuh seonggok Corolla Jadul tahun 75 di t*k*b*g*s.

Vespa Sprint

Early models, called the Vespa Sprint, were made until 1974. Later models, called the Vespa Sprint Veloce, were made from 1969 to 1979. [1] The big update with the Sprint Veloce was in the engine. In India, starting 1972 Bajaj Auto began local production of Sprint Veloce under the name Chetak. However, all Sprint Veloces imported to the U.S. after 1973 had turn signals fitted as standard equipment in order to satisfy American regulations.

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