Ă‚Generasi 2006Beranjak ke tahun 2006, Supra berganti generasi. Di sinilah busi Supra juga mulai berganti generasi, yakni memakai CPR6EA-9. Ketika itu Supra berkembang dari Supra X 125 PGM-FI (2006), ke New Supra X 125 (2008), Supra X Helm Ini (2011) dan Supra X 125 CW Facelift (2014). Motor yang generasi lawasnya jamak disebut 'Supra Bapak' itu berganti generasi dengan mesin lebih besar, tampang sporty ban gambot kesukaan anak-anak muda milenial. Di tahun itu pun, busi bawaannya ganti lagi dengan NGKMR9C-9N yang masih dipakai hingga sekarang.Ă‚Detail Tipe BusiBerikut detail model Honda Supra beserta businya:
About this bookICEIMT '97 is the second International Conference on Enterprise Integration and Modeling Technology. Like the first, it is the main event of a European-US initiative on building consensus in enterprise engineering and integration - supported in Europe by Esprit and in the USA by DOC/NIST. These proceedings contain papers presented at the conference and at five international workshops preceding the conference. The workshops addressed integration issues related to people and organization, metrics and standardization, applications, fundamentals and principles, and users and vendors. The conference papers present points of view of users, vendors, and researchers, the current state of research and development worldwide, and the needs to be identified and summarized in project proposals.
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